Become a Participating Pharmacy
Pharmacies using the statewide standing order to dispense naloxone products must provide the information below.
This information will be used to generate a public list of pharmacies, making it easier for those seeking naloxone to obtain it. It will also allow us to contact your pharmacy should there be changes to the standing order.
By submitting this information for your pharmacy to dispense naloxone through this statewide standing order, you attest that all registered pharmacists at this location have:
- Received one hour of training on naloxone
- Read and understand both the naloxone standing order and the naloxone patient education materials
Please note: Even if your pharmacy is dispensing naloxone under a separate standing order, you’re encouraged to provide the request information. Every individual in South Dakota should know where they can obtain naloxone under a standing order—whether through this issued statewide standing order or another standing order (such as Hyvee or Walgreens).
Questions? Email the SD Department of Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health.
Participating Pharmacy Form